Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Clean Closet Project

I cleaned my closet! 93 items remain; exactly half of what I began with. I did it in "sections," which made the process easier...but still not easy.

First, tshirts. I had 51 tshirts...that's a lot. Ended with 27.
Sweaters/sweatshirts: Began with 27, ended with 15.
Shorts/jeans/sweatpants: Began with 32, ended with 19.
Shirts: Began with 31, ended with 11.
Dresses/skirts/pants: Began with 25, ended with 12.
Shoes: Began with 19, ended with 11.

After that I had two more items to get rid of to reach was difficult, but I had two miscellaneous items that didn't really fit into these categories that I got rid of. The last five things were the hardest to get rid of, and I almost didn't. But then I would not have gotten rid of half of my closet, so I had to do it. And when I got to 93, I was so happy I did a little dance in my room. Success!

I took some of the clothes to a consignment shop and sold them for $33 of store credit. Then, I gave the rest to a friend. Some of the clothes I know will fit her and some will fit her daughter. She said she had a few bags of things that she was going to take to a clothing shop for refugees and anything they didn't want from my pile she would take there! Awesome for me!

At first, I immediately wanted to go shopping; my closet was so empty! I had nothing to wear! But the past few days something has happened that I was not expecting. It has been incredibly easy to get dressed each morning! Each piece of clothing in my closet now was literally hand-selected from the pile; I actually like every item in my closet right now! No matter what I pick to wear, I know I like it. I'm not sure how long this will last, but I'm going to try to not go shopping until it wears off.

The project was a bit challenging. But I'm happy I did it and I encourage you to do a little closet clean-up of your own. 

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