Sunday, April 21, 2013

Senior Ball

Here's a few pictures from Senior Ball. We finally got a day of sunshine!

The whole gang: Emily, Amanda, Jenna, Anastasia, Aubrey, Emma, Erika, Katie, Megan, me.
We're quite good at taking laughing photos.
Katherine, Katie, Amanda, Anastasia, Jenna, me.
Amanda, Katie, myself.
We traveled to Zambia together and have been besties ever since.
Reactions as Amanda's dress ripped...
Anastasia, Emma, Amanda, Katie, myself.
One of my favorites.

I've known Casey since the ILS scholarship competition weekend, March of 2009. wow!
Jenna, myself.
me and Amanda being goofy.
Chris and I

Myself and Kristie.

Jessie, Katy, Austin and me. 
Myself and Ashley. 
Erinleigh and I.
Carly and I.
Katy and I.
Ethan and I.
Capping off a great day at Jack and Dan's.

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