It's been too long.
Katie B., one of the most amazing women I have ever met, has inspired me to create a list. Her list was "15/30"- 15 things she wants to accomplish before she turns 30 in two years. (Katie and her best friend Kristin have an amazing blog: My list is going to be 15/25- 15 things I want to do before I turn 25.
This is going to be hard for me. It really, really is. One thing I think I've learned about myself is that I struggle to set long-term, measurable goals and actually follow through on accomplishing them. And I'm going to struggle to just come up with the list- what are 15 (15!!!) things I really, really want to do before I'm 25? I have no idea! Perhaps making this list will help give me a sense of direction.
So, here we go:
(A little disclaimer, these are the order in which they came to me; in no way are they the order in which they will be accomplished.)
1. Get my masters degree or at least be in grad school.
2. Do 1-2 years of service work (i.e. JVC, Peace Corps, etc.). I realize that this and #1 do not coincide very well as they each take significant chunks of time but I think they're both important.
3. Continue to explore my relationship with God. I'm not totally sure what this means. I have trouble trusting and believing and praying and needing. But I think that God is good and I have a pull to be part of a community that believes in a collective something.
4. Write a personal mission statement. This would be edited as years went on, but I think it's important to be able to look at something and say: This is what I believe and this is who I am.
5. Read Harry Potter in Arabic. I purchased the first HP book in Arabic before I left Jordan and since then I've really only gotten through the first chapter. This is going to mean refreshing on the alphabet and all the vocab words I used to know. But I want to be confident in saying that my three years of Arabic class meant
something and what better way to prove it than by reading Harry Potter.
6. Lead an active and healthy lifestyle. I don't think I'm fat and I don't think I'm skinny. I think I'm average and I'm ok with that. Could I lose a few pounds? Sure. Does that idea consume me? Nope, not at all. I've had grandiose plans that "this week I'm going to go to the gym five times!" and when it doesn't happen I feel crappy. I'm not committing to begin going to the gym five times a week, I'm saying I want to go for a 30-minute run and not feel like I'm dying. I want to choose to go for a walk after dinner instead of watching tv. I want to enjoy going for a bike ride. I want to choose a hearty salad over the huge hamburger (most of the time). I think I'm on my way there- to this type of lifestyle. And as I continue to have more freedom as to how I shape my life, I want it to be in this direction.
7. I want to have gone abroad for at least a month, not necessarily at one time. The travel bug is back and I want to go...places. I don't know where, I just want to go.
8. I want to watch a TED Talk or read an article and reflect on it-in writing-at least once a month. I realize that two months ago my blog post said I was going to do it twice a month and since then I have done it exactly zero times. So, I'm starting small(er).
This is only half the list I realize. But, I'm promising to finish my list by next Sunday, one week from today.
In the mean time, here's some photos to update you on what's been happening:
I graduated from college!!!
Can you spot me?? |
Thank you President McCulloh |
Seeing a friend on my way back to my seat. |
I lived with all of these beautiful faces freshman year on the fifth floor of Coughlin. Amazingly, we're all still great friends. |
My RA freshman year, Rachel. |
Mom and Dad. amazing parents. |
The crew. |
Amanda, Katie, Emma and myself. Amazing girls with amazing dreams that I know will be accomplished. |
Myself and housemate Kristine. |
Julie and I |
My second family in Spokane, the Armstrongs. Eli, Owen, Grace. Shawna, myself, Josh. Just missing the oldest, Aiden. |
Katie's (the inspiration for this post) 6 month-old baby girl Harper
Other shenanigans:
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo as it should be: with large margaritas. |
Spending some time looking at the stars. |
Happy hour with my Senior Women's CLC (christian life community) Front: Ellie, Katie, Katy, Jenna. Back: Janeen, Katherine, Julia, Michelle, Ingrid, myself. |
Two people who have changed my life and will continue to do so for as long as I live. Katie, myself, Josh. The CLP banquet. |
Amanda and I at the Senior Retreat. |
My amazing sister competed in her outdoor conference track and field meet. so proud. |
I completed Bloomsday with Erika and Katy!!! It's a 7.5 mile run through Spokane that almost 50,000 people participate in! |
The morning of my last day of class...ever. It was a perfect morning on campus. |
I helped drive Amanda home to Ogden, UT. This was at a ski resort where some of the games from the Salt Lake Olympics were held. |
We made a stop in Salt Lake City. Had to take a picture with the Zag great, John Stockton. |
I spent the first four weeks after graduation living with the Armstrong's. Josh was in Zambia so I tried to fill his shoes a bit and help Shawna get the kids to school/soccer practice/etc.
Grace, Eli, Owen. |
Owen and Grace putting my "Gonzaga Alumni" license plate frame on. |
The finished product. Hooray! |
Ice cream!!! |
Children's choir night at church=awesome. |