I've always considered myself someone who can balance a lot. Balance it all
and stay sane. However, right now, I feel like I'm about to lose my balance and the thought of that scares me enough that it might be what pushes me over the edge.
I'm going one day at a time. I'm not sure if that's very good for my grades, I didn't walk out of my Ecology test this morning feeling very confident, but so far it's working.
Here are some photos I've taken recently. They remind me that when I feel like I'm barely going to get through the day, there are so many good things, things I am thankful for, things that keep me hangin' on.
My good friend Katie finally turned 21! Yay! |
While Katie turned 21, Gonzaga turned 125. They had a big celebration to celebrate the 'historic first day of classes' This is me and my housemates. L to R: Erinleigh, Kristine, Kate, Mengya |
My parents are wonderful people. After a long conversation with my dad (me being very stressed out, him trying to help me cope) I received this in the mail. It says: Behold this marvelous gift of nature! Yet, your talent surpasses that which produced it; Your beauty exceeds it; And your endurance will enable you to hang on through more challenges than it could endure. |
The score of my first lab report! Yay! Although, this I know is mostly due to the help of my roommate Erinleigh who edited it for me. |
Erinleigh and I went to a concert last week. The Head and the Heart performed in Spokane. If you haven't heard them before, check em out, they're great. |
Patrick, my fellow CLP intern, and Josh, director of CLP, were also at the concert. |
I am currently fighting a cold. Lots of OJ and DayQuil. |
Hope you all are doing well and I hope you have a great week!
Hang in there Kate and hope you get over your cold soon!!