Thursday, October 25, 2012


Last night Gonzaga held its first Story Slam of the year. After participating in the Storytelling class here I have been really passionate about the idea of storytelling and last year helped to coordinate the ones held on campus. This year I just didn't feel like I had the time to do it well. The theme of last night's Slam was 'Going Abroad'. When they asked me to share the story of my experience in Jordan, I was honored.

But I was also a bit nervous. I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to capture all of the emotions I felt and convey them to a room of friends and strangers alike. After practicing (a lot) and getting lots of input from a few individuals, I felt ready to go. I was last so I got to hear three other stories before I went; they were awesome. Stories of Japan, France and studying in the U.S. Suddenly it was my turn. It kind of felt like I was in a daze as I told my story but all the sudden I was finishing. As I sat down I felt so much adrenaline rushing through me; I could not sit still!

When the event was over I talked with many friends who had come to listen. It made me so happy to hear that they connected with it; that somewhere in my story, they felt a little bit of their story. That your story may not be the same as mine, but there have been times when you felt sad and alone or confident and proud. Because, after all, that's the whole point. In me is a little bit of you and in you is a little bit of me.

I don't have any pictures actually from the StorySlam, but here's a few from the rest of my life...

Dogsat for a friend a couple weekends ago...
Roomies. Kristine, Erinleigh, me.

CLP hosted Tom Mears, CEO of the Burgerville chain in Portland.
It was fall family weekend at GU last weekend. My family didn't make it out, but it sure made me appreciate them
The program director of CLP (aka one of my closest friends), Katie, and myself

We have found a new favorite restaurant. Wadells. Delicious burgers and over 30 beers on tap!
It's almost November and that can mean only one thing...BASKETBALL.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back in the Kennel and ready to rock.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Great weekend, great friends, great outdoors

The internship I'm doing this year is funded by a group called the M.J. Murdock Trust. Each fall they have a retreat for their "Vision and Call Interns" (of which I am one). The retreat was at a camp in Yelm, Washington. It's a tiny, tiny town south of Seattle. It was about a 6 hour drive from Spokane. I went with 6 other interns from Gonzaga and then three interns at Whitworth University that is also in Spokane. Although the drive was long, it was fun and the whole weekend was just what I needed.

A view of the lake on the grounds.

Beautiful Mount Rainier 

kate, katie, katherine (say that three times fast)
we might have broke the fence  when we sat on it...whoops.

We got to go nighttime zip lining. Quite the experience.
This is Josh, my boss and director of CLP and Patrick, my partner in crime also known as the other CLP intern. 
Our cabin :)