It's a rainy day in Spokane today. One of those days that makes you want to curl up by a fireplace with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate. I love these days...when I don't have anything to do. Unfortunately, classes and life still go on on these rainy days.
But it did give me the opportunity to reflect a bit more on some thoughts that have been rolling around in my brain recently. I've been sick since the middle of September; that's almost three weeks! First it was a sinus infection and ear infection, now it's mono. Not fun! I think one of the biggest reasons I have been sick is because I have so many things going on and am so busy. This makes it hard to get enough sleep and eat healthy. The only medication for mono is lots of rest. With my schedule, that's not easy to come by! I have classes, all the homework that goes with those classes. I work at an on-campus job about 8 hours a week. I am really involved in activities that the Comprehensive Leadership Program puts on, a group I am a part of. And I am the manager for Gonzaga's Womens Volleyball team. This takes up between 6-8 hours each week as well as weekend games. I love everyone of these things (well maybe not the homework, but I'm learning!)
Since I am passionate about each of these things I want to devote everything I can to each one of them; something I'm learning may not be possible. But if it's not, how do we choose? How do we prioritize? I've been struggling with this.
I want to continue to give as much as I can to everything I can, but when you add the need for rest to that equation everything gets a little off balance. I feel as if I'm juggling ten different balls and if I let one slip a bit, they'll all come crashing down. How do I rationalize going to a class that I really, really, really don't like when I would rather do something for the volleyball coaches, individuals that count on me, that I don't want to let down, work that I care about! I realize that the one class I dislike is part of my greater education, something that is invaluable, but to make that daily decision isn't easy.
A friend has told me, don't let classes get in the way of your education. I feel like this is so true! Being the manager for the volleyball team has given me opportunities and skills that a classroom never could. So what has to give?
I don't know the answer. I don't know if there is one. But I do know that just because I don't know the answer doesn't mean I will stop looking for one.