Saturday, November 2, 2013

Update in Photos

I haven't posted anything for a while but I have been taking lots of photos. Here's some things that have been going on lately.

Meet Connor. We've been dating since June. He's pretty amazing. 
My dad's sister, Pam and her husband Bob came to Spokane for a few days with some of their friends from Iowa.
It was great to show them around my "neck of the woods."

I chopped my hair off!
One of the bonuses of traveling so much for volleyball is that we get to find lots of cool restaurants.
This was an ice cream sandwich shop. You picked what type of cookie you wanted and what type of ice cream and they made it right in front of you!
A picture of the team in San Francisco. 
On my way to Wisconsin for a wedding I stopped in Chicago to see Erinleigh.
She is teaching high school at an inner city school through Teach for America. 
The bride to be! Kaitlin and I have been friends since WASC camp back in middle school. 
Myself, Helen (Kaitlin's sister in law), and Jozi, another friend from WASC.
Helen and I became fast friends. 
The reception was at a golf course. It had a huge deck looking over this. It was beautiful.

Kaitlin and I 
Mike, Kaitlin and I
Our last volleyball trip took us to LA where I got to see Ashley, one of my best friends from Gonzaga
for the first time since graduation.